Sunday, January 31, 2016

30 Paintings In 30 Days - The finish line!

30 Paintings In 30 Days
January 2016

An entire months worth of daily paintings on the books!  I haven't painted so much continuously since college.  The journey was one of self-discovery in my art and how I view the world around me. 
Painting every day isn't always easy, you either want to or you don't.  I think pushing trough the ruff days makes you a better artist even if what you produce is junk.  I had a few days that I didn't even want to look at what I just painted, still don't HA! But for me if it doesn't work out I'm more determined to work it out!

Ultimately, living a creative life is what is most important to me. Every day when my kids would come home from school they asked, "what did you paint today mommy?"  Even they would think about it!  They are my biggest fans btw ;)  Raising children to be surrounded by art and the process is priceless.

I'm interested to continue painting and excited to see what the September challenge will bring for me!

"Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life" -Pablo Picasso



  1. Love reading how and what other artists have learned - it's so thoughtful and has great depth. Painting everyday and being a mom of young ones, too - wow! Love visiting the collages - your work is stunning!

  2. Thank you for such a nice comment! Raising 3 boys I defiantly know how to prioritize my time. It seems the laundry is the only thing that suffers for my art! HAHA!
