Friday, January 8, 2016

Day 8 Rainy Day Catch

Day 8
Rainy Day Catch

$50 + $8 shipping

Truth- Painting EVERY day is hard! I was far more interested in printmaking today.  Ultimately I know I'm not painting what I want to be painting.  I'll refocus, check back tomorrow for Day 9. Let's see where I go from here!

This painting was a dank rainy day on Caspersen Beach in Venice while digging for sharks teeth.  I took a peek in his bucket and really just wanted to print his fish!  There is a cool Japanese method of printing or rubbing if you will of dead fish called Gyotaku.  Maybe I can make friends with a fisherman and he'll let me rub his fish. Sorry, couldn't help myself! Seriously though...

Check out my next post about the print I pulled today, Red Tide!  It was like Christmas wrapped up in Easter, I played with new art tools today!!

Thanks for reading

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